Sunday 15 February 2015

Eventful week!

Well the start of the week was a shocker! ended up in hospital with a suspected heart attack! mmmm not what I was planning! so the week was bound to get better! Whatever it was left me slightly shell shocked and utterly tired! so this week the fitbit has gone out the window!

A dear friend linked me an interesting article, having thought about yoga in the past as a relaxing exercise I now fully see the benefits it could have on improving my heart condition.

Being a mother I forget to breathe alot, for instance, when my two year old has bitten my six year old who then screams blue murder or the manic rush in the morning trying to get them to school on time, with half the PE kit missing or homework left on the kitchen table, there are many more but I think you get the picture! stress is a big big thing and you forget to look after yourself, this is my step back.

Stress is a killer and it snowballs from forgetting to breathe to the pains in the chest, going at a pace so fast that its impossible just to relax for 5 minutes. Does it sound familiar? 

What relaxes you? I am finding that I love to create, I need to step away from the computer more and design. 

Two little projects I have been working on this week! 

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